On the note that students should obey authority

Today, I am trying to finish my homework. It is a case digest assignment. There are nineteen cases to be digested and I am now on number 11. However, this post is not about my homework. This is about obeying authority.

Being at law school is a choice every law student made. It was never something that someone imposed to them. The moment you made the decision that you are going to enter the gate of hell; it is presumptuous to say that you are ready to take all kinds of flares that its flames have -you must have come prepared.

One of those flares is nothing more than obeying the authority of the one who holds such in the premises of academe -the teachers. A student should obey his teacher. This is elementary. When the teacher requires something,the student is expected to comply with it. If such requirement is so much for the student, his first response should be on “what is the purpose of this requirement?” The student should inquire on the very essence and reason why the teacher has given such homework. He should not risk an argument which will hold his virtue without existence.

The authority of the teacher over his students, if not absolute should at all time be uphold. It is not for the student to question nor for a student to curse.

This is very much like the society right now. People do not and will not obey authority. Neither that of heads of the family nor the head of the State and his government. People only want to do what are pleasing to them. Those that are more convenient and easy. And when they are given more -which are very necessary they will complain. We do not want to be bothered by something that should bother us. We hate anything that would require our obedience. And yet, whose choice is it to be under anybody’s authority?

When people cannot obey simple authority, like those of the teacher, what a chaotic world would this be?

The importance of obeying authority lies on the potential of a person to harness respect even when the situation calls for disagreements. Imagine kids becoming adults who have been trained well when to obey and , as I have said, in the purview that teachers may cross the line of the extent of their authorities, when to suggest another academic remedy. Would it not be a well-made society?

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